L'année 2014 a marqué le quarantième anniversaire des Archives Jean Piaget.
A cette occasion, les Conférences Jean Piaget ont abordé un thème beaucoup plus vaste que ceux qui ont jusqu'ici été retenus pour notre cycle de conférences, puisque le thème de l'édition 2014 était "Les théories du développement".
Orateurs invités
Patricia Bauer, Emory University
David Bjorklund,Florida Atlantic University
Charles Brainerd, Cornell University
Susan Carey, Harvard University
Adèle Diamond, University of British Columbia
Rochel Gelman, Rutgers University
Susan Goldin-Meadow, University of Chicago
Josef Perner, University of Salzburg
Philippe Rochat, Emory University
Robert Siegler, Carnegie Mellon University
Philip Zelazo, University of Minnesota
Uni Mail, auditoire R290
Jeudi 26 juin 2014
8h00 Accueil des participants
8h30 Discours de bienvenue aux Conférences Jean Piaget
8h45 A. Diamond, University of British Columbia
Leveraging what we've learned from research to help every child succeed:
why the arts, play, and physical activity aid cognitive development
9h45 Pause café
10h15 P. Zelazo, University of Minnesota
Executive function: reflexion, iterative reprocessing, complexity,
and the developing brain
11h15 S. Carey, Harvard University
Vitaliste biology and executive function
12h15 Pause déjeuner
13h30 R. Siegler, Carnegie Mellon University
An integrative theory of numerical development
14h30 R. Gelman, Rutgers University
Number: what we have learned and have yet to learn since Piaget
15h30 Pause café
16h00 S. Goldin-Meadow, University of Chicago
Rational inferences about uncertainty in infancy and childhood
17h00 Posters et visite des Archives Jean Piaget
Vendredi 27 juin 2014
8h30 D. Bjorklund, Florida Atlantic University
Evolutionary developmental psychology: developing human nature
9h30 J. Perner, University of Salzburg
Theory of mind-décalage vertical
10h30 Pause café
11h00 P. Rochat, Emory University
Onion metaphor of development
12h00 Pause déjeuner
13h45 P. Bauer, Emory University
Developmental changes in re-presenting the past: memory in infancy and beyond
14h45 C. Brainerd, Cornell University
Fuzzy-trace theory and cognitive development
15h45 Discours de clôture des Conférences Jean Piaget
16h00 Posters
17h00 Apéritif de clôture