Tracy Alloway, University of Durham
Glenda Andrews, Griffith University AUstralia
Valérie Camos, University of Burgundy
Nelson Cowan, University of Missouri
Andreas Demetriou, University of Cyprus
Graham Hitch, University of York
Chris Jarrold, University of Bristol
Juan Pascual Leone, York University Toronto
Anik de Ribaupierre, University of Geneva
Lee Swanson, University of California
John Towse, University of Lancaster
Uni Mail, auditoire MR290.
Thursday morning, July 3, 2008
8h45 Welcome
9h15 Introduction to the 18th Advanced Course of the Archives Jean Piaget audio
P.Y. Brandt (President) and P. Barrouillet (Director)
9h45 J. Pascual Leone, York University Toronto
A developmental Theory of Mental Attention : Its Application to Measurement and Task Analysis
10h45 Coffee break
11h00 John Towse, University of Lancaster diaporama, audio
Development of Working Memory Skills : Insights from Macro-Analysis and Micro-Analysis
12h00 Lunch
Thursday afternoon, July 3, 2008
14h30 C. Jarrold, University of Bristol diaporama
Rehearsal and the development of working memory
15h30 G. Hitch, University of York diaporama, audio
Developmental Differences in Children’s Use of Visual and Phonological Representations
in Working Memory
16h30 Coffee break
16h45 Poster session and visit of the Archives Jean Piaget
Friday morning, July 4, 2008
9h00 L. Swanson, University of California diaporama, audio
The influence of Working Memory Growth on math and reading
Performance in Children with math or reading
10h00 T. Alloway, University of Durham diaporama, audio
Working Memory in Development : Links with Learning between Typical
and Atypical Populations
11h00 Coffee break
11h15 G. Andrew, Griffith University Australia diaporama, audio
Recent advances in relational Complexity Theory ans its
Application to Cognitive Development
12h15 Lunch
Friday afternoon, July 4, 2008
14h30 N. Cowan, University of Missouri diaporama, audio
New Insights into an Old Problem : Distinguishing Storage from Processing
in the Development of Working Memory
15h30 V. Camos, University of Burgundy diaporama, audio
Factors of Working Memory Development : the Time-Based Resource-Sharing Approach
16h30 Coffee break
16h45 Poster session and visit of the Archives Jean Piaget
Saturday morning, July 5, 2008
9h00 A. Demetriou, University of Cyprus diaporama, audio
Processing Efficiency, Representational Capacity, and Reasoning :
Modelling their Dynamic Interactions through the Life-Span?
10h00 A. de Ribaupierre, University of Geneva audio
Working Memory Capacity and its role in cognitive development:
Are Age Differences Driven by the same processes across life-span?
11h00 Coffee break
11h15 General discussionaudio
Cognitive development and working memory
12h15 Closing speech of the 18th Advanced Course
Farewell Reception